Executive Coaching

Using the skills of an executive coach allows for an objective assessment of your abilities, provides input into how to manage priorities and passions, and delivers a plan that will move you forward into your next best job, or give you the confidence to branch out into a new career path.

The International Coaching Federation as well as the College of Executive Coaching have done extensive research with scientists and educators in the behavioral sciences arena to develop a science-based, process focused, outcome driven system that results in change. Whether personal or professional, executive coaching can help identify patterns (both good and not so good ones), establish goals and implement an individualized action plan. The coaching environment is a safe place to develop new responses to old problems and to practice new behaviors with an objective, qualified third party. Not only will current goals become clear, but also along the way the executive coach will begin to gently press a client to pinpoint his or her highest potential, all within a confidential, structured environment. As a person works through this crystallizing process, time management kicks in. Waste and repetition are identified and thrown out, creating more efficient habits and routines.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein

The coaching experience begins by contacting Rosewood Coaching. All coaches are credentialed by the International Coaching Federation and adhere to a code of ethics, maintaining confidentiality, and providing clients with individualized, creative solutions.

An initial interview is scheduled via the telephone. Once assessments are conducted and reviewed, the process then begins. Usually a coaching experience includes a meeting once per week, generally over the phone, with unlimited follow up emails. Accountability is key to the success of the coaching-both for the coach and for the client. Homework is usually assigned and is useful for helping the client hone in on the goals of the experience. An executive coaching or personal coaching experience generally requires between 3-6 months, at a minimum, to demonstrate its effectiveness and return on investment. Remember change takes time.

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Executive coaching is an experiential and individualized leader development process that builds a leader's (that's YOU!) capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational goals. It is conducted through one-on-one and/or group interaction, driven by data from multiple perspectives, and based on mutual trust and respect. The organization, an executive, and the executive coach work in partnership to achieve maximum impact. Institute of Coaching, Harvard Medical School Affiliate


The assessment is a very interesting part of the process of a coach getting to know you, and of you getting to know yourself. The assessment is generally administered after the relationship is solidified, and can be done via email. Bobbie Sue uses a variety of psychometric instruments such as personality profiles and skills inventories, which enable you to gain self-awareness and self-development.

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Executive Coaching

Working together with you to move past stumbling blocks, or move you out of a stuck place, an executive coach is more than a cheerleader. Perhaps you are experiencing a stale career, or you have a terrific idea for striking out on your own and are at a crossroads. Working with an executive or "leadership" coach from Rosewood Coaching will allow you to bounce ideas off of an objective, highly trained outside source. A plan will be put together which generally involves a weekly meeting of 45 minutes to one-hour over the telephone, with homework and other follow up to ensure accountability. Find your way out of the stuck place and move forward into your dream job, and into a stronger and more confident self.

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Mentor Coaching

Bobbie Sue Wolk, PCC, CPEC, is qualified as a Mentor Coach through the International Coaching Federation. All certified executive coaches are required to go through mentor coaching, which Bobbie Sue offers to those certified executive coaches needing this important training to maintain their certification. Mentor coaching is defined as "an applicant being coached on their coaching skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant's coaching skill." As an executive coach, the mentor coaching will help you do your best and most powerful work.

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Personal Coaching

Even aspects of executive coaching "bleed over" into your personal life. We spend a lot of our waking hours doing our daily work. Personal coaching is about investing in yourself. It's not about 360-degree assessments and evaluations as much as it is about you discovering your strengths, pruning unnecessary habits and time wasters, and identifying your skills and talents and acting on them. It's about real change. It's about a professionally trained individual asking the right questions to get you to a place of discovery, acceptance, and behavioral change. It's work, that's for sure. But it's good work and it's useful work and it moves you into a place where you can reach out and grab your best life right now.

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Business Consulting

Rosewood Coaching offers a full range of coaching services, from executive coaching, to personal coaching, to courses and workshops. Another important service offered is business consulting. Different from executive coaching in several important ways, a business consultant is concerned with the overarching organizational structure and with processes and protocols implemented by a business to respond to both internal and external audiences. A business consultant is an expert in business and is hired to provide solutions and responses, while a coach works one-on-one to draw the expertise out of you, asking specific and pointed questions to enable you to come up with the solutions from your own expertise. A business consultant works on your behalf, and an executive coach enables you to set your own direction for success. Rick Wolk, principal of Rosewood Coaching LLC, is well qualified to aid those seeking business consulting services. Rick has a rich and varied resume. His consulting services have been utilized to start up and raise private capital for businesses — from Alaska to India — and points in between. He has a great eye for reviewing business plans and has experience helping businesses with environmental success and sustainability practice. Rick draws from a real world perspective on large companies, startups and entrepreneurial growth.

It's too bad the term "dynamic duo" is taken, because this duo, Rick and Bobbie Sue, are a powerhouse pair of business counselors. Together they cover every aspect of making a business successful. From managing one's emotional intelligence, to using the principles of economics and free markets, they see a business from many perspectives. They coach individuals, counsel businesses, and serve passionately those who hire them.

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Classes and Workshops

Rosewood Coaching offers classes and workshops. The following is a partial list of the coursework offered:

  • Emotional Intelligence for Entrepreneurs: emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict
  • Change Management: managing Change in today's fast paced and uncertain environment
  • Accounting, Tax and Business Plan Preparation for Entrepreneurs
  • Building Your Management Team
  • Myers-Briggs Type II
  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Coaching Workshop
  • Managing with Emotional Intelligence
  • Conflict Management
  • Leadership Development

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Bobbie Sue has a high level of knowledge and skill in the areas of coaching, business, and psychology. In working with Bobbie Sue, I have found her to be insightful and articulate in state-of-the-art theories of coaching and consulting. Deborah Welch, Ph.D., Professor